Do Golden Retrievers Shed? Vet-Approved Facts & Grooming Tips

May 2024 · 4 minute read

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The Golden Retriever is a beloved breed that has won affection across the globe. Even though they can warm the hardest hearts with their sweet personality and fun antics, that’s not the only thing to expect when you own this breed.

Golden Retrievers are considered heavy shedders. Shedding can be a real problem for people with allergies or those who don’t want a high-shedding dog indoors. Let’s discuss the breed, their grooming requirements, and the products that can help.

About the Breed

Golden Retrievers are medium-sized dogs with loving personalities. Originally, they were retrieving dogs, as their name implies, helping hunters bring back prey, specifically waterfowl.

Over time, they made their way into people’s homes due to their charming characters, turning from workers to man’s best friend. Now, you can find this breed in various roles, especially those of service and therapy.

Goldens are amazing dogs, but they do shed—sometimes a lot.

Amount of Shedding to Expect

Golden Retrievers are moderate to heavy shedders, and it really depends on the season. This breed has a double coat, meaning they have a thick, short undercoat with a longer overcoat. This type of fur can make them shed in bulk when the seasons change.

On top of having thick fur, Goldens have very long coats. So, this can pose extra cleanup in the home.

Grooming for a Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers require regular grooming to keep up with coat maintenance. You should brush your Golden every day to remove dead stray fur. Brushing will prevent this hair from falling onto your carpets, upholstery, or bedding.

In addition to brushing, you should give your dog a thorough scrub down every 4 to 6 weeks, or whatever is as advised by your veterinarian. Follow up bath time with nail trimming if necessary.

Professional Grooming

You can absolutely take your Golden to get a professional tidying. The special tools they have at these facilities can help thin your Golden’s coat, reducing shed for a little longer. Plus, they will smell fresh and leave feeling like a million bucks.

You can find professional pet groomers both in certain chain pet shops and private businesses. Once you locate a groomer who does their job just the way your dog likes, you can stick with them every time they’re ready for a trim.

Are Golden Retrievers Hypoallergenic?

Golden Retrievers are not hypoallergenic (no dog is). However, hybrid breeds like the Goldendoodle shed less and are sometimes referred to as hypoallergenic. It was once believed they were completely allergy friendly because they shed so much less, but even these hybrids can trigger allergy symptoms in a predisposed person, as the elements that create allergic reactions (allergens) are found mainly in saliva and dander.

Products to Help

If your Golden’s shedding is out of control and your vet has confirmed your dog does not have any skin issues, you can try quite a few products to combat the issue.


Even though Golden Retrievers do have double coats that shed pretty heavily, it’s nothing you can’t combat. With regular grooming and daily brushing, you can get the bulk of it without worrying about your clothes and upholstery.

Plus, you can purchase tons of other items that help reduce shedding. Don’t let the coat discourage you from enjoying this amazing breed!

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