Welterweight Wrestling Adds Dylan Bostic, Cam Zagami, Ghosts of 885, Ace Austin, Amazing Graysons &

May 2024 · 7 minute read

Age: 25
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 185 lbs.
Years Pro: 9
From: Los Angeles, CA by way of Indianapolis, IN

Dylan is all about social status and style over substance. Dubbed “Swaggy D”, Bostic epitomizes the socialite traits – obnoxious, rude, self-centered, obsessed with attention, and always finding a way to get what he wants. While the aforementioned adjectives are what dominates the reputation of Dylan, his ring talents cannot be denied. A student and protege of legendary trainer Rip Rogers, Dylan cut his teeth in OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling), the school/promotion that has produced more national and globally recognized stars than perhaps anywhere else ever. Dylan captured the OVW Television & Tag Titles, defeating many familiar names in the process en route to his resume of over a dozen championships and tournament victories nationwide. One of the smartest competitors in his age bracket, Dylan has been in the ring of every major company – WWE, TNA, ROH, among others, but it’s his constant craving for attention and adulation that can, at times, be his downfall. His constant assertions of “Who sucks now?!” at jeering spectactors may not do him favors in competition, but it placates his ego as needed. That ego would no doubt be through the roof if he could walk into a high-end nightclub with the Welterweight Championship around his shoulder, fully prepared to be the center of attention and the talk of the town. But if Dylan looks past the field of competitors and straight to the victory party, his #PlatinumWorldTour could be prematurely canceled. Will Dylan Bostic make a “Belieber” out of all of us?

Welterweight Wrestling welcomes… Cam Zagami

Age: 23

Height: 5’10

Weight: 185

Years Pro: 4

Hometown: Salem, NH

This young athlete, who is equal parts naricisstic, over-confident, and downright goofy, actually achieved his biggest claim to fame outside of the ring. Cam was a cast member on the Fox reality series “American Grit” hosted by John Cena last year. Viewers saw a range of emotions from Cam as part of that series, but those that know him from in-ring battles only know of the brash assured nature that Cam approaches every match, often bragging that he is “2 Cam 2 Give A Damn”. Zagami has achieved success in a variety of promotions in the New England area, most notably competing in front of crowds of thousands in places such as Northeast Wrestling. Whether in singles competition, or as part of tag teams such as “The Cam-An Connection”, Zagami is always a dangerous force capable of defeating anyone who may oppose him… if you don’t believe that, just ask him. Will his confidence propel him to a Welterweight Championship win?

Welterweight Wrestling welcomes… Ace Austin

Age: 20

Height: 5’8″

Weight: 175 lbs.

Years Pro: 2 years

From: Atlantic City NJ

The young man who isn’t afraid to gamble his well-being in the course of battle, and always has an ace up his sleeve, Austin has begun to make some noise in spite of his relative inexperience, popping up numerous times on CZW Dojo Wars events before advancing to their main cards as well, in addition to appearances in IWA MS, PWX, and many others. Trained at perhaps the most reknowned wrestling schools in its region, The Wild Samoan Training Center (where he was named Rookie of the Year for 2014), its clear that a toughness and never-say-die attitude was instilled in Ace from the start. In all, Ace has competed in eight different states for nearly two dozen promotions, and shows no signs of slowing down. Will Ace Austin’s addition to Welterweight Wrestling reshuffle the deck on what we can expect moving forward? If it’s Aces High on May 7, then the Welterweight Championship is on its way to Atlantic City!


Welterweight Wrestling welcomes… Nate Wings

Age: 24

Height: 5’3″

Weight: 135 lbs

Years Pro: 8

From: Dayton, Ohio

Nate Wings is the personification of the welterweight spirit – an individual panned and looked over by insiders and promoters for years because of his smaller stature, but Nate has made up for any phyiscal limitations he has in heart, passion, dedication, and perseverence… he simply will NOT take no for an answer! At the outset of his career, he was much smaller than he is today, but a diligent gym regimen and unwavering devotion to his craft led to Nate becoming the best possible Nate he could be, never once using his height or genetics as an excuse or a crutch. Nate embraced everything life gave him and turned it into a positive. In recent years, Nate has finally begun to turn heads and create a buzz, capturing championships in both Rockstar Pro Wrestling and Juggalo Championship Wrestling. No matter the circumstance, whether it’s battling someone twice, and at times even three times his size, or climbing ten feet in the air to leap off of a basketball hoop onto his opponents below, Nate is up to the challenge and slowly but surely the wrestling world is starting to notice! What a story it could be if perhaps the smallest welterweight on the roster could become the first Welterweight Champion!

Welterweight Wrestling welcomes… The Amazing Graysons


Tommy Grayson


Age: 23

Height: 5’10

Weight: 155lbs

Years Pro: 2

Hometown: Gotham, New York


JP Grayson


Age: 20

Height: 5’9

Weight: 175

Years Pro: 2

Hometown: Gotham, New York


The first tag team to officially make the Welterweight roster, The Amazing Graysons have made quite an impact in tag team wrestling in the northeast United States in a short amount of time, already capturing over a half dozen tag team championships. Tommy Grayson is the older and the flashier of the two, while JP incorporates an amateur background into his attack. However, both are students of the game who bring a well-rounded approach and a deep-rooted appreciation for the art of tag team wrestling, with a win-at-all-costs mentality. In an age when individual spotlight and success seems to be most important across the board, The Graysons stand out as not only exceptions, but exceptional, as they have immersed themselves in tag team wrestling. The whole is truly greater than the sum of the parts, and word on the street is the Graysons have been seeking the advice of a man who’s held World Tag Team gold in two different companies and led a team to gold in yet a third company, as a mentor to help them prepare for Welterweight Wrestling. Who is this man? Will it be enough to ensure The Amazing Graysons become THE dominant tag team force in the world of the welterweights? 


Welterweight Wrestling welcomes… Shawn Phoenix & Aiden Veil (The Ghosts of 885)


Shawn Phoenix

Age: 26

Height: 5’6

Weight: 150 lbs

Years Pro: 1

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Aiden Veil

Age: 25

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 180 lbs

Year’s Pro: 7

Hometown: Straight from the Whiskey A Go Go

The Ghosts of 885 are new to teaming in pro wrestling rings, but their paths have been intertwined for well over a decade, as their team name is a reference to the neighborhood that both grew up in and bonded over the mutual love of professional wrestling as young teenagers. Both can frequently be seen in old footage, in the front row of local independent events of the day, enthralled with the action, dreaming of the day they could one day enter the ring themselves. While both gel as a unit together, they each have very unique backgrounds. Phoenix is the “Firebird”, a pyromaniac at heart but the fire he spits in his entrance pales in comparison to the fire that burns inside him to succeed in the sport he loves. Aiden Veil was a promising young rock and roll drummer, aspiring a life of sold out stadiums while living the a life fit for VH1’s Behind the Music – glitz, girls, and a party in every town every night. Aiden tired of being a background player, and sought out his initial passion of pro wrestling where the spotlight would be all on him. Now, the childhood friends have gone full-circle, as they live out their dream together for the world to see as part of the tag team division of Welterweight Wrestling!
