AEW Revolution Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For March 5, 2023

May 2024 · 21 minute read

It’s time for AEW Revolution tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

The start time for AEW Revolution kickoff is at 7:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

A lot of key storylines have been building to AEW Revolutions. Finally, fans will get to witness the much-anticipated bout between MJF and Bryan Danielson. Apart from this, there are plenty of exciting matches announced for the show. The official match card for the show is as follows:

Mark Briscoe & Lucha Brothers vs. Ari Daivari and The Varsity Athletes

Final Burial Match

Christian Cage vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks

AEW World Trios Championship:

The Elite (c) vs. The House of Black

Three-Way Match for the AEW Women’s World Championship:

Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho

Texas Death Match:

Jon Moxley vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

AEW TNT Championship:

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow

Four-Way Tag Team Match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship:

The Gunns (c) vs. The Acclaimed vs. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett vs. Orange Cassidy & Danhausen

60-Minute Iron Man Match for the AEW World Championship:

MJF (c) vs. Bryan Danielson

AEW Revolution Opener:

Mark Briscoe & Lucha Brothers vs. Ari Daivari and The Varsity Athletes

Mark Briscoe’s music play and he walks to the ring. The Lucha Brothers’ theme song plays and they come out to the ring. The Varsity Athletes’ music plays next and they come to the ring.

The match begins with Penta and Nese. A brawl starts out between both teams. Fenix sends Woods into the barricade. Fenix then hist teh crossbody on Nese. Penta slams Nese to the mat. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Mark Sterling distracts Penta and gets brought in the ring. Daivari attacks Penta from behind. Nese tags out and Woods attacks Penta in the corner. Woods with a suplex on Penta. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

He tags out. Nese and Daivari with a double suplex. Nese attacks Penta and tags out. Daivari chops Penta and hits the neckbreaker. Cover! 1…2..kick out. He tags out. Penta fights back with a superkick and hits the DDT on Nese and Daivari. He then hits slingblade on Woods and tags out.

Fenix kicks Daivari. He then does the arm drag. He superkicks Woods and goes for a dive but is caught by Woods. He then hits the corkscrew brain buster. Cover! 1…2…Penta makes the save. Fenix with a hurricanrana from the top rope. He tags in Briscoe who attacks Woods and Daivari.

He kicks Nese in the face and does the same for Daivari. He hits the neckbreaker. The Lucha Brothers dive onto Nese and Daivari.

Briscoe dives onto Daivari and Woods. He sends Daivari in the ring and climbs the rope but Nese stops him. Briscoes knocks him down but Woods and Daviari stop him. Luch Brothers also join in and they all fall down.

Nese with a 450 splash on Mark. Cover! 1….2…..Lucha Brothers make the save. Nese tags out They all take out each other. He goes for Jdriller but Daivari attacks him and they double-team him. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Lucha Brothers superkick Daivari. Penta superkicks Woods and hits their double-team move. Briscoe with the froggy bow on Daivari for the win.

Winner: Mark Briscoe & Lucha Brothers

Alex sends Sterling into the ring and Penta hits the package piledriver.

The commentators welcome the audience to the show.

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks

Chris Jericho’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Ricky Starks’ music plays next and he makes his way to the ring.

The match starts and both men brawl in the ring. Starks slams Jericho into the turnbuckle. He attacks him in the corner. Starks knocks down Jericho who rolls out of the ring. Starks dives onto Jericho and sends him into the barricade.

Jericho fights back and sends Starks into the corner. He knocks Starks down and goes for lionsault but misses. Starks hung up on the ropes. and Jericho sends him crashing to the floor.

Jericho slams Ricky Starks into the barricade. He sends him back into the ring and hits the backbreaker. Jericho slaps Starks but he fights back but it is not enough and Starks is sent to the apron and Jericho hits a springboard dropkick followed by a sliding dropkick sending him to the floor.

Jericho goes after him and sends him back into the ring. Jericho with an abdominal stretch on Starks. Ricky fights out of it and knocks down Jericho. He hits the tornado DDT. Cover! 1..2…kick out.

Starks climbs the rope but is stopped by Jericho who is knocked down. He dives on Jericho but is kicked by him. Jericho hits the death valley driver. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Jericho goes for the codebreaker but is slammed by Starks. Cover! 1…2….kick out. He goes for Rochambeau but Jericho escapes and hits the codebreaker. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Both men exchange strikes.

Jerichos goes for a diving elbow but Ricky escapes and hits the spear. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Both men exchange strikes again. Starks with a thrust kick. He goes for a springboard moonsault but lands on his feet. Jericho locks him in the Walls of Jericho. But Starks escapes and locks in the single-leg crab. Sammy Guevara comes out but Action Andretti stops him.

Jericho attacks Stark with the baseball bat. He then goes for the Judas elbow but is caught and Starks hits the Rochambeau for the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks

The Final Burial Match: Christian Cage vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

Christian Cage’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Jack Perry’s theme song plays next and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and both men brawl in the ring. Perry takes down Christian who escapes the ring. Jack goes after him and chops him. Christian fights back with a chop of his own.

Jack goes for a dive but Christian escapes through the crowd. Jack runs after him and stops him. Both men brawl on the steps. Jack sends Christian back to ringside. Christian tries to escape again but Jack goes after him and picks him up but Cage escapes.

Christian gets back in the ring but Jack goes after him and attacks him in the corner. Cage pulls him down using his hair. Cage attacks Jack viciously. He goes to work on Jack.

He goes for an uppercut but Jack evades and kicks him. He then hits the suicide dive and sends him into the barricade and steel steps. He tries to stomp Cage’s arm but is tripped by Cage.

Cage whips Jack with his leather belt. He continues to whip him Jack walks up the entrance ramp. He opens up the casket and removes the steel chair. Jack fights back and goes for a piledriver but Cage drops him.

He goes for the killswitch but Jack pushes him off the stage and dives onto him. He sends Christian up the entrance ramp. He goes to attack Cage with a steel chair but is low blowed.

He slams Jack on the casket. He places him in the casket but is unable to close the casket. Jack fights back. Cage pokes him in the eyes. He hits the killswitch and places his head on the steel chair.

He goes for the con-chair-to but Jack escapes and knocks the chair out of his hand using the shovel. He then tries to choke Cage using the shovel but he escapes by poking the eye.

He tries to attack him with the shove but Jack escapes and locks in the snare trap as Christian fades. He then places Cage onto the steel chair. He then hits the con-chair-to before placing him into the casket. He then closes the casket for the win.

Winner: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

AEW World Trios Championship: The Elite (c) vs. The House of Black

The House of Black’s music plays and they walk to the ring. The Elite’s music plays and they make their way to the ring.

The match begins with Kenny Omega and Buddy Matthews. Buddy goes to work on Kenny’s arm. Both men try to take down each other but it’s a stalemate. Malakai Black tags in.

Kenny with an arm drag but Malakai returns the favor. Omega goes for the one-winged angel but Black escapes and goes for the back heel kick but Omega evades. He tags in Matt who calls out Brody King.

Nick tags in but Brody knocks them down. Both teams face-to-face and begin brawling. Nick hits the facebuster and then the moonsault. Matt climbs the rope and dives onto Black and Matthews.

Kenny with an hurricanrana on King. He then dives onto The House of Black. Nick with a 450 splash on King. Cover! 1…kick out. King overpowers The Young Bucks and knocks down Omega. King with a splash on Kenny. King attacks Nick in the corner. He tag sout.

Nick with an enzuigiri on Buddy who tags out and Brody attacks Nick. He kicks King and tags in Kenny who hits the crossbody on King and takes out Buddy and Black. He hits the kotaru crusher on King.

He goes for the moonsault but King gets his knees up and Matthews with a shotgun dropkick. King goes for the cannonball but Kenny escapes and hits the V trigger. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

He goes for the one-winged angel but King is too heavy. He goes for the snap dragon suplex but King with a lariat. He tags out and Nick sends Brody into Buddy. Black takes out Nuck and goes for a submission hold but Matt breaks hit up. Buddy with a meteora. Matt hits slice bread but Black with a knee to him.

Both men exchange strikes. Kenny with a knee strike. Julia Hart grabs Nick’s leg and Brode with a sleeper hold. Matt with a superkick. He does it again and Omega with the V trigger. Black attacks Omega with kicks but is caught and Omega hits the snap dragon suplex. He does it again. Julia Hart climbs the apron and distracts Kenny.

Kenny goes for the V trigger and takes out Jukia Hart. Black with a back heel kick. Cover! 1..2…Nick makes the save. They hit Dante’s inferno. Cover! 1…2…Matt makes the save. They take out the Young Bucks.

The Young Bucks take out Kind and Buddy and superkick Black. They superkick King and Buddy. Omega tags in Matt and they hit the BTE Trigger. Cover! 1….2….Matthews makes the save.

They go for Meltzer driver but get caught and they hit Dante’s inferno for the win.

Winner: The House of Black (c)

Three-Way Match For The AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho

Saraya’s music plays and she comes out to the ring. Ruby Soho’s theme song plays and she makes her way to the ring. Jamie Hayter’s theme song hit and she walks to the ring.

The match starts and Hayter and Saraya brawl. Hayter knocks down Ruby Soho. Saraya drags Hayter out of the ring and sends her into the barricade. Ruby with a dropkick off the apron.

She sends Saraya into the crowd and dives onto her and Hayter. Ruby attacks Saraya and Hayter but is sent to ringside. Saraya then sends Hayter to ringside. Saraya with a headbutt. She attacks Hayter in the corner.

Saraya sends Hayter to the apron. Hayter plants Saraya on the apron. Ruby with a crossbody on Hayter. She plants Hayter. Ruby goes to work on Hayter.

Saraya comes in and brawls with Hayter. She attacks both women in the corner and hits a double suplex. He hits the double lariat. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Saraya with a forearm. She slams her but Soho with a side suplex. Hayter with a backbreaker on Soho.

All three women exchange strikes but Saraya asks them to stop. Instead, they both attack her. Ruby with a hurricanrana to Hayter. Soho climbs the rope but is stopped by Hayter. Saraya comes in and slams them to the mat. Cover! 1…2…kick out. She locks in a submission on Soho but Hayter breaks it up.

Storm is on the apron but is taken out. Saray plants her but Britt on the apron and she punches Saraya. Soho with destination unknown. Cover! 1..2…Hayter breaks it up.

Soho and Hayter exchange strikes. Hayter hits the Haytorade and she rolls up Ruby Soho for the win.

Winner: Jamie Hayter (c)

Toni Storm attacks Hayter. Britt Baker tries to defend her friend but it is not enough. Ruby sends Saraya and Storm to the floor. She then kicks Hayter and hits destination unknown on Britt Baker. Storm attacks a cameraman and breaks the camera.

Ruby takes the spray can and spray paints Hayter and Britt Baker.

Texas Death Match: Jon Moxley vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Adam Page’s music plays and he walks out to the ring. Jon Moxley’s theme song plays next and he makes his way to the ring. Adam Page attacks him while he is making his way to the ring.

Both men brawl in the crowd. Page sends Moxley into the barricade. He sends Moxley in the ring. Both men exchange strikes in the ring. Moxley knocks down Page. The referee starts the ten count.

Moxley takes the barbed wire and goes to attack Page but he attacks Moxley with it. He then attacks Page in the corner. Page wraps the barbed wire around his leg and stomps him.

Moxley turns the tables on him and attacks him. He hits Page with the barbed wire. Moxley takes a fork and goes to stab Page but he takes him down. Moxley locks him in the triangle choke and stabs him with the fork.

He does it again. Moxley takes a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire and places it in the corner. Page fights back but is sent into the chair. He then does the single-leg crag on the barbed wire chair. Moxley then stomps him viciously.

He then hits Page with a steel chair. He sets up two steel chairs in the ring. Moxley attacks Page in the corner but Page hits the powerbomb onto the chairs. Page kicks Moxley in the face.

Page climbs the rope and wraps himself in barbed wire and does the moonsault on Moxley. Page places the barbed wire table on the outside. Moxley hits the cutter. Moxley gets a brick and a steel chair from under the ring. He places Page’s hand between the bricks and stomps it.

He hits the piledrive on the steel chain. Moxley and ties Page’s feet with the chain and locks in a submission but Page fights out and slaps Moxley. Moxley the sets up the barbed wire board on the outside. Moxley stomps Page’s arm. Page with a back suplex and a clothesline.

Page with an elbow wrapped in barbed wire. He then hits the fallaway slam onto the barbed wire-covered chair. Page hits dead eye on the barbed chair. The referee begins counting to ten. Both men get up.

Page dives onto Moxley sending him into the barbed wire board. Page climbs the top rope but is stopped. Moxley rakes the back of Page with the barbed wire. Page grinds the barbed wire into the face of Moxley.

Moxley sends Page through the barbed wire board onto the outside. The referee begins the count and Page gets up at nine. Moxley with a lariat. The referee begins the count. Both men begin brawling. Page with a lariat. He goes for buckshot lariat but Moxley counters with the Deathrider. He then stomps Page on the brick.

The referee begins the count but Page gets up. Moxley locks in the sleeper hold. The referee begins the count but Page gets up and attacks Moxley with the chain. He then goes for the sleeper hold. Moxley with a low blow.

Page hammers Moxley with a brick. Page with the buckshot lariat. He then hangs him against the rope using the steel chain as Moxley taps out.

Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page

AEW TNT Championship: Samoa Joe vs. Wardlow

Wardlow’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Samoa Joe’s theme song plays next and he walks out to the ring.

The match begins and both men brawl. The brawl spills to the outside. Wardlow sends Joe into the barricade. He sends him into the ring. Joe hangs him on the rope and hits the suicide dive.

Joe sends Wardlow into the ring and attacks him in the corner. Wardlow with a corkscrew dive off the top rope. He sends Joe into the turnbuckle. He continues to attack Joe. Wardlow with a suplex on Joe. Wardlow attacks Joe in the corner.

Joe fights back with a front leg sweep. Joe attacks Wardlow. He attacks him in the corner. Joe slams him into the mat. Joe kicks the leg of Wardlow.

Joe with a submission hold on Wardlow. Wardlow with a spine buster on Joe and follows it with a clothesline. He hits the F-10. Wardlow climbs the rope and hits the senton. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Joe locks in the sleeper hold. Wardlow gets to the rope. Joe drives Wardlow to the mat. Cover! 1…2….kick out. Wardlow powerbombs Joe.

Joe fights back with a lariat. Joe goes for the powerbomb but he escapes and headbutts him before locking in the sleeper hold. He puts Joe to sleep for the win.

Winner: Wardlow (c)

Four-Way Match For The AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Gunns (c) vs. The Acclaimed vs. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett vs. Orange Cassidy & Danhausen

The Gunns’ music plays and they come out to the ring. Jeff Jarrett’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Orange Cassidy’s music plays next and he comes out with Danhausen. The Acclaimed’s music plays and they come out with Max Caster rapping their song.

The match begins with Orange Cassidy and Jeff Jarrett in the ring. Cassidy with a dropkick. He hits a back drop on everyone. He tags out and Danhausen attacks Jay Lethal in the corner. Jarrett attacks Cassidy. Danhausen attacks Lethal and Jarrett.

Lethal tags out and Colten attacks Danhausen. He then hits the dropkick. Cover! 1..2..kick out. Danhausen tags out and Cassidy attacks The Gunns and dives onto Colten and hits the DDT on Austin. He then hits the suicide dive on Colten. Austin tags out.

Lethal and Cassidy exchange strikes. Lethal with the lethal combination. Cassidty with the stundog millionaire. He tags out and The Acclaimed attack Lethal and Jarrett. The Gunns attack them from behind.

Lethal attacks Bowens in the corner. Jarrett with a side Russian leg sweep on Bowens. He tags out.

The Gunns attacks Bowens. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Austin hits the suplex on Bowens. Austin tags out and Bowens also tags out. Max attacks everyone and superkicks Jarrett. He hits the Olympic slam on Lethal.

Lethal with a superkick on Caster. The Gunns attack Lethal and Jarrett from behind. Satnam Singh sends them outside the ring. Danhausen goes to curse Satnam but is interrupted by Sonjay Dutt. Danhausen attacks him. Orange Cassidy with the orange punch and Billy Gunn hits the famasser. The Gunns low blow Billy Gunn. The Acclaimed attack them. They double-team Colten and hit the arrival followed by the mic drop on Austin. Cover! 1…2…Colten makes the save.

Bowens sent over the barricade. Jarrett tries to attack Caster with the guitar but misses and Max tries to attack him but Aubrey prevents it and Lethal hits him with the golden globe while Jarrett hits the stroke. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Colten tags in and throws him out of the ring. Danhausen tags in and rolls him up but can’t get the win. He curses him and goes for the pump kick but the Gunns double-team him and get the win.

Winner: The Gunns (c)

Renee interviews them and Austen asks who’s an ass boy now? Colten demands respect and says they are the best tag team in the world. FTR’s music plays and they come out.

FTR enters the ring and brawls with them. Austin sent outside and they hit the spike piledriver on Colten. They then hit the shatter machine on Austin.

60-Minute Iron Man Match For The AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Bryan Danielson

Bryan Danielson’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. MJF’s theme song plays next and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and MJF rolls out of the ring. He gets back in and arm drags Bryan. Bryan takes him down and works the legs. MJF kicks Bryan. He knocks Bryan down and does the hip toss on him.

Both men have a back-and-forth that ends in a stalemate. MJF offers a handshake but Bryan kicks his hand. MJF goes into the crowd. Bryan goes after him but he gets in the ring.

Bryan gets back in the ring and both men jockeying for the advantage. Bryan with a full nelson but he escapes. Bryan attacks the legs again. Bryan attacks him in the corner. MJF sends him into the turnbuckle and stomps him.

He hits the back-body drop on Bryan Danielson. He does it again. Bryan does the back-body drop. He does it again. MJF hangs Bryan on the rope and sends him into the turnbuckle. Cover! 1..2..kick out.

MJF goes to work on Bryan’s arm. He pulls him down using his hair. He sends Bryan into the barricade. Bryan attacks MJF. He spikes Bryan with a DDT. He goes to work on Bryan’s arm. Cover! 1..2..kick out.

MJF attacks Bryan in the corner. He sets Bryan on the rope and Bryan hits the sunset powerbomb. MJF sent into the turnbuckle. He then attacks MJF in the corner. Bryan with several dropkicks to MJF.

He then sets up MJF on the top rope and hits the hurricanrana. MJF with a stomp to Bryan’s arm. MJF with powerbomb onto his knee. Cover! 1..2..kick out.

Bryan goes for LaBelle lock but is catapulted outside. MJF goes for the moonsault but Bryan evades and hits the suicide dive. Bryan sends him into the ring and goes for a dive but is caught and MJF goes for the Salt of The Earth.

MJF drives Bryan to the mat. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Bryan with a flying elbow strike on MJF. Bryan with a rollup but can’t get the pinfall. They both exchange pinfall attempts.

MJF with a clothesline to Bryan but gets back up and hits the clothesline on MJF. Bryan with the busaiku knee and he pins MJF. He goes for it again but MJF drops down. MJF with a low blow and he rolls him up for the pinfall. He covers him again and gets another pinfall. Cover again! 1..2…kick out.

Bryan drops him on his knee and hits the shotgun dropkick sending MJF to the outside. Bryan attacks MJF on the outside. Mjf with a lariat. MJF chops Bryan after placing him on the chair. Bryan fights back with a lariat. Bryan attacks him with leg strikes and hits him with a running dropkick. He sends MJF into the ring and slams his leg against the post. He does it again.

Bryan locks in the figure four leg lock. MJF slaps Bryan multiple times. Bryan returns the favor. MJF gets to the rope. MJF rolls to the apron and Bryan attacks the knee. He sets MJF on the top rope and hits the anvil elbows. MJF knocks Bryan down.

MJF sends Bryan into the post. He places Bryan on the table and climbs the top rope. He hits the elbow drop. He drags the referee into the ring and asks him to count him out. Bryan gets back in the ring. MJF hits the piledriver on the table on the outside.

MJF hits the heatsinker and gets the pinfall. MJF attacks Bryan viciously. MJF kicks Bryan. MJF attacks Bryan again. MJF asks Bryan to punch him and he does. MJF then headbutts him. Bryan sends MJF into the post. He hits the diving knee strike on MJF.

Bryan climbs the rope and dives onto his opponent. He sends him into the ring and climbs the top rope but is stopped. Bryan drops him on the top turnbuckle. Bryan with a superplex on MJF. Bryan with a diving headbutt on MJF. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Bryan hits the busaiku knee and he locks in the regal stretch. MJF taps out. He goes for the regal stretch again but MJF locks in the Salt of the Earth. Bryan rolls out and locks in LaBelle lock and MJF rolls him into the Salt of The Earth. Bryan gets to the rope.

Both men exchange strikes in the ring. Bryan with a forearm strike knocking MJF down. Bryan sent outside and MJF hits the heatsinker. Cover! 1..2..kick out. He sets up Bryan on the top rope but Bryan hits the anvil elbows. MJF catches him and hits the tombstone piledriver from the top rope. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Bryan transitions into the single-leg Boston crab. The clock runs out and the match ends in a draw.

Tony Schiavone comes down to ringside and tells the announcer something. It is then announced that this match will continue under sudden death rules.

Bryan rolls him up but doesn’t get the win. MJF with a low blow. Cover! 1..2…kick out. MJF goes to attack him with the dynamite ring but gets spiked with the reverse hurricanrana. He hits the busaiku knee. Cover! 1..2…kick out.

Bryan attacks the leg of MJF. He locks in the single-leg crab and the referee removes his ring. MJF gets to the rope and then taps out. MJF hits Bryan with the oxygen tank and locks in the LaBelle lock. Bryan taps out.

Winner: MJF (c)

This ends our live coverage of AEW Revolution.
